Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chapter 4: The Trap Opens

(Originally played 2019-03-01)

Janet and Rebecca set out to stage a third attack. They traveled downtown and chose a rock club, Psych Out, as the best location for another target. After Rebecca lured a target outside the club and drained him of some blood, Janet came along and brought him to the hospital.

After giving vague answers to the doctor's questions, Janet went outside, met with Rebecca, and called Geisel to update him on the situation. There, they were confronted by a mortal man in dark clothes who made clear that he knew what they were, then fled on a motorcycle. Upon returning to the Koga building and delivering this news to Geisel, he sent them up to the top floor to meet with Koga Shuko himself.

They entered a room that seemed to be a recreation of a Japanese garden, blooming and somehow sustained despite being entirely indoors. Rebecca was enraptured by the beauty of the space, and Janet met Koga, who displayed mastery over mind-reading in addition to his power as a sorcerer. Based on the information he gleaned from Janet's mind and from a note the hunter had given her, Koga said that he would start the process needed to find the man. With this, Janet left and took Rebecca with her.

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