Saturday, June 29, 2019

Chapter 8: The Center Cannot Hold

(Originally played 2019-03-23)

Janet and Rebecca were called to meet Geisel and his secretary Rachel in the Koga building's terminal room. There, they were informed of someone on a Silver Lake bulletin board system spreading a conspiracy theory of “Parasites" - whose description was of vampires in all but name. Rebecca also met with Koga Shuko, who gave her both a poppet of her own, and a medical report on Ilsa that noted some anomalies in her blood.

The two neonates went to the public library, where they found a list of likely BBS numbers, as well as a card with the alias of one of the posters. From there, they went to the new wave club, Cyber 8. Searching through the BBS, they discovered that someone had not only noticed Janet and Sharper's luring away of a mortal meal, but had spotted someone entering and leaving the SLU steam tunnels. As they left, they were confronted by Greta Simonova, the Toreador who Janet had severely injured on her first mission. They alerted Geisel to the potential breaking of the Masquerade, and he directed them to hide out in a flea-pit hotel on the edge of town. They arrived there, and settled in for the night as best as they were able.

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